Entry Date



Extremely Sleepy

Present Goals

To start organizing various things.

Currently Playing


The Coming Year

2023's coming to an end, huh... I wish I could say it was a productive year! But it wasn't!

First of all: There were many excellent video games this year, which led to a lot of distraction. I cannot regularly maintain a blog with so many video game to play! There's simply too many! Second though: It was also a less-than-great time regarding my health. In Autumn alone I had a respiratory infection that lasted for a whole month. A quarter of the season! God! My partner and our cat had some frightening spots regarding their health too. Like, dude. C'mon. Be nice to me.

We're still hanging in there though. I've continued taking careful steps to improve things.

Does this mean there'll be greater chance of more regular updating in 2024?


We've Gotta Find a Place to Live

Our lease is up this year and we cannot afford to continue staying where we are!

Needless to say, it's going to be a big, stressful ordeal that'll take up a lot of time and energy in the year coming up. I'm already sustaining frenzy damage working out the math and particulars. I won't delve too much into the details, unless you all want to hear about me sorting through clothes to toss out a truly upsetting amount of printed tees that have holes worn into them. That I have admittedly been holding on to for longer than I should.

But, tangentially, what's keeping me from full frenzy is the dream of... gardening.

My partner confessed to not being sure if I was actually into the thought of moving out at first. But at some point I had the realization that a different place meant the potential for a place that is actually facing the sun, and thus actually conducive to growing plants. My YouTube history has been a nonstop feed of gardening videos ever since. I've been looking longingly at sites that sell seeds.

My quiet excitement has been so obvious, that I ended up getting a Click & Grow mini-garden for Christmas. It's started to sprout recently and I've been so thrilled.

A photograph featuring the smart garden, a little sprout in the center.

The little guy's doing it!

A little bit of joy during stressful times, you know? It just soothes my heart to see. Here's hoping we can find somewhere decent, that it all goes as smoothly as it can.

Plans for Lumpinzone

I can't guarantee anything with such a big life change approaching at rapid speed, but I still would like to work on some things for the site! If nothing else, here are some notes for myself:

  • There's still no side pages! I'd like to push out at least one next year, maybe rough out some others where I can. I've been thinking about putting together a separate blog setup for when I eventually play through FFXIV's New Game+ mode, which may happen relatively soon as the initial ongoing story has been wrapped up with the recent expansion. Perhaps after the new one comes out? Sasha is also the cat of all time, she ought to have a page of her own.

  • There's a blog entry and a couple translations that have all still been slowly baking in the background. More ACCA 13 is on the way for sure, but there's some video game stuff I'd like to take a crack at too. The short stories in the back of the Threads of Fate (Dewprism) guidebook at some point, maybe.

  • Then there's just cleaning up and fixing stuff in general! The Guestbook has gotta be put back together, at least. I'd really like to figure out something for the Gallery... I haven't been pleased with how the images look on mobile. It's pretty clunky, I've been weighing the thought of just doing something like having pages with a set number of drawings to scroll down.

  • ... oekaki??? ?? 2024, year of the oekaki bbs??????

As always, thank you for stopping by my little hobby site!

Wishing you all a happy new year, and hoping 2024 is kind.