ACCA13: Natsume Ono Interview Teaser

From Natsume Ono's official twitter, to preview an interview with Comirano!. Particular shout out to my friend, Coda, for helping when I got snagged on some phrasing.

Original source: via @ono_n_info.

Tweet #1

オノ・ナツメ INFO @ono_n_info · Dec 15, 2017
ACCA13区監察課のインタビューを掲載して頂いているこみらの!情報紙の配布がそろそろ始まっているみたいです。 参加店さん→ キャラクターの設定について少し触れたのでその部分を紹介させて頂きます。こみらの!さんありがとうございます(オ

It seems that distribution of the ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. interview via Comirano! will begin shortly. Participating shops can be found here → [link] I touched upon character creation briefly in this section, so I'll show it off here. I'd like to thank Comirano! for this opportunity. (Ono)

Q&A Sample

A large teaser scan of the Comirano! Q&A with Natsume Ono, featuring one question and answer.

Q5. How do you decide on the smaller details of your characters? If you happen to have any secret notes, please whisper them to us.

A. I try not to spend too much time on the finer details. Sometimes the particulars of a character don't come together until I'm working on a necessary scene and I realize, oh, so they're like this. Where I notice that, rather than just creating for the setting, details end up determined by characters that already exist.

I might have the opportunity to later reveal unused material in future manga or art, so I'll refrain from saying too much... but I'll share one thing. During a signing event I was asked about Jean and Nino's birthdays, but I couldn't answer at the time. So I started giving it some thought afterwards. For Jean, I considered what kind of birth date someone who likes strawberries might be delighted by... so Spring, maybe April? Was how I thought about it.1

For Nino, July 7th suddenly came to mind. There's no connection to Tanabata (it doesn't exist in ACCA's world), but for Nino it'll be in July... maybe not the 7th? ... no, the 7th it is! It went something like that. I felt he'd be a person with an easy to remember birthday. So it's 7/7 for Nino.

Tweet #2

オノ・ナツメ INFO @ono_n_info · Dec 16, 2017

I like the number seven, and I myself was born in the month of July in 1977, so I wondered if that might be why I couldn't avoid the thought of the 7th of July. In the end, it's also because I was struck by the mental image of those who knew of his birthday never forgetting to wish him well. (Ono)


1 It's not stated outright in the answer, but Jean's birthday is on the 15th of April. Presumably, this is because it's a pun: the numbers "1" (ichi) and "5" (go) put together can be read similar to "strawberry" (ichigo).

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