ACCA13 P.S. - P&M Special Comic Booklet

A translation of the mini-comic that was distributed as a bonus item at participating stores. Timeline-wise, this takes place after the events of the main series: it's a peek at some Jumoku culture, as well as what Nino has been up to after everything.

District Governor Pine, Jean, and Nino




Pine: Hey there, Otus.
Jean: Ah, hello.
Pine: Out here on inspection?
Pine: Looks like you've taken quite a liking to Basswood.
Jean: Well, portions aside, the food itself is pretty good. Especially the fries.
Pine: Glad to hear it.
Jean: It's crowded as ever though...


Nino: Oh?
Nino: Here for work?
Nino: Likewise.
Jean: Hmm...
Jean: What kind of work?
Nino: The White Asparagus festival starts tomorrow,
Nino: so I'm here to take photos of it.
Pine: It's packed today, so I hope you men don't mind if I sit here too.
Pine: If you're free between inspections, you ought to stop by the festival yourself, Otus.
Pine: It's a good time.
Jean: It's a harvest festival, isn't it?
Pine: Correct.

Panel of Pine sitting down at the booth with Jean and Nino.


Pine: The big draw of the event is the peeling competition.
Jean: Huh.
Pine: All that asparagus then ends up being used in meals for the banquet.
Pine: It's so popular you'll see lines everywhere.
Pine: The actress Ann Holly will be present this year too.
Jean: Ann Holly?
Pine: Don't know her? She's from Jumoku, but became famous across all territories
Pine: after showing up in some Badon car commercials.
Jean: Huh, I see.
Nino: Those commercials spun off into a small series, didn't they? That takes me back.
Pine: She also ended up in quite a few movies and shows.
Nino: Yeah, I first saw her in that one drama.
Pine: "Badon Law Offices"?
Nino: That’s the one!
Pine: It was a pretty entertaining series.
Nino: How long ago was that on air?
Pine: Its debut was about thirty years ago now.
Jean: (Oh, that's right. You're close to his age, aren't you, Nino...)


Pine: But as I was saying, there's plenty to see and do at the festival.
Jean: Then I'll have to stop by with my subordinates sometime. Will you be around too?
Pine: Of course.
Pine: I plan on entering the peeling competition, myself.
Pine: How about you? Think you'll give it a go?
Jean: I can't say I'm particularly great at things like that...
Jean: What about you, Nino? Since you handle cooking well enough.
Nino: Nah, I've got photos to take.
Nino: I can't exactly sneak away from capturing the district governor peel asparagus.
Pine: He's here on commission from the district itself, after all.
Jean: You are?
Nino: I'll be stopping by every month this year.
Jean: Oh, wow.
Pine: It's for next year's calendar.
Pine: I happened to spot some of his work in a magazine and was quite taken by it.
Pine: The pictures were of Pranetta,


Pine: and I thought he'd drawn out the finer points of the district.
Pine: So I was determined to have him photograph Jumoku.
Jean: Huh.
Nino: I'll take shots of you peeling asparagus alongside the district governor, so go get ‘em.
Pine: Please do.
Jean: Erm...
Pine: Will all of the Inspection Department be competing? I can enter everyone's names.
Jean: Uhh...

SFX: Be-beep!
/ : Pictures have come in from HQ!
/ : Hare's not the only one taking commemorative photos, Jumoku’s started up on it too.



  • More of a fun fact: this bit of Jumoku culture is likely inspired by the very real white asaparagus festivals held in portions of Germany.

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